这个机器没有螺丝,卡扣设计的,非常难拆,不损坏卡子拆开几乎不可能 电源芯片U20和附近的电感变的非常非常小了,适配器是5V 600ma供电了,比较好奇内存的供电哪来的,难道那个Q3是个LDO flash附近两个三极管是干什么的呢,flash周围小元件比较多,不方便拆flash了 主芯片下面有个L12电感,应该是主芯片内部开关电源用的 背部有TP_IN TP_OUT 焊点,这个就是ttl么, 直接接上可以用么,会不会少电阻什么的 好多问题请教一下大家, 多谢了 更新1 多谢各位,搞定ttl了,就是背面那两个点,很小,比较难焊。如下是原版固件的输出,最后有个大大的tp-link - reboot
- Moduler UPnP: shutdown.
- Moduler DHCPC: shutdown.
- Moduler PPPoE: shutdown.
- Moduler L2TP: shutdown.
- Moduler PPTP: shutdown.
- Moduler DDNS: shutdown.
- #
- Reset_1flashInit():Flash already init.
- Press Ctrl+C or Shift+C to stop auto-boot...
- 0
- auto-booting...
- Uncompressing...done
- Starting at 0x80001000...
- Attaching interface lo0... done
- Rx clbufs 768 each of size 1660
- eth_rx_netpool_init: allocated, pDmaBuf=0x8055b8e0, buffend = 806944e4
- ATHRS26: resetting s26
- ATHRS26: s26 reset done
- Arm the watchdog timer for the GMAC hang detect
- eth_rx_netpool_init: done already!
- Moduler MODULER-CONTROL: start working.
- All config data size = 23516, srart address= 0x8043eea0.
- Moduler MODULER-CONTROL: size = 16, srtart address = 0x8043eea0.
- Moduler SYSTEM-LOG: size = 280, srtart address = 0x8043eeb0.
- Moduler TDDP-AGENT: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8043efc8.
- Moduler OEMDEF: size = 604, srtart address = 0x8043efc8.
- Moduler BRIDGE: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8043f224.
- Moduler ACCOUNT: size = 40, srtart address = 0x8043f224.
- Moduler WEB-V4: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8043f24c.
- Moduler wizard: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8043f24c.
- Moduler OPMODE: size = 4, srtart address = 0x8043f24c.
- Moduler LAN: size = 16, srtart address = 0x8043f250.
- Moduler UPnP: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8043f260.
- Moduler WLAN: size = 3376, srtart address = 0x8043f260.
- Moduler MAC-CLONE: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8043ff90.
- Moduler DHCPS: size = 1964, srtart address = 0x8043ff90.
- Moduler IF-NAT: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8044073c.
- Moduler WAN: size = 4, srtart address = 0x8044073c.
- Moduler LINKMODE: size = 4, srtart address = 0x80440740.
- Moduler STATIC-IP: size = 32, srtart address = 0x80440744.
- Moduler DHCPC: size = 104, srtart address = 0x80440764.
- Moduler PPPoE: size = 600, srtart address = 0x804407cc.
- Moduler L2TP: size = 392, srtart address = 0x80440a24.
- Moduler PPTP: size = 392, srtart address = 0x80440bac.
- Moduler 8021x: size = 536, srtart address = 0x80440d34.
- Moduler VIRTSVR: size = 840, srtart address = 0x80440f4c.
- Moduler IGDV2: size = 4, srtart address = 0x80441294.
- Moduler DMZ-HOST: size = 8, srtart address = 0x80441298.
- Moduler STATIC-ROUTER: size = 328, srtart address = 0x804412a0.
- Moduler Statistics: size = 20, srtart address = 0x804413e8.
- Moduler AccessCtrl: size = 10860, srtart address = 0x804413fc.
- Moduler Security: size = 44, srtart address = 0x80443e68.
- Moduler ARPBIND: size = 648, srtart address = 0x80443e94.
- Moduler ADDITIONDNS: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8044411c.
- Moduler DNS-PROXY: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8044411c.
- Moduler TP-DOMAIN: size = 0, srtart address = 0x8044411c.
- Moduler DDNS: size = 1740, srtart address = 0x8044411c.
- Moduler IPQOS: size = 572, srtart address = 0x804447e8.
- Moduler LOGIN-PASSWORD: size = 0, srtart address = 0x80444a24.
- Moduler USER-REBOOT: size = 0, srtart address = 0x80444a24.
- Moduler RESET: size = 0, srtart address = 0x80444a24.
- Moduler DIAGNOSTIC: size = 0, srtart address = 0x80444a24.
- Moduler BAKNRESTORE: size = 0, srtart address = 0x80444a24.
- Moduler HTTP-FIRMWARE: size = 0, srtart address = 0x80444a24.
- Moduler IGMP: size = 4, srtart address = 0x80444a24.
- Moduler ANTI-SNIFFER: size = 0, srtart address = 0x80444a28.
- Moduler SNTPC: size = 84, srtart address = 0x80444a28.
- Moduler SYSTEM-LOG: start working.
- Moduler TDDP-AGENT: start working.
- Moduler OEMDEF: start working.
- Moduler BRIDGE: start working.
- Moduler ACCOUNT: start working.
- Moduler WEB-V4: start working.
- Moduler wizard: start working.
- Moduler OPMODE: start working.
- Moduler LAN: start working.
- Moduler UPnP: start working.
- Moduler WLAN: start working.
- Restoring Cal data from Flash
- Moduler MAC-CLONE: start working.
- Moduler DHCPS: start working.
- Moduler IF-NAT: start working.
- Moduler WAN: start working.
- Moduler LINKMODE: start working.
- Set phy 4 link mode 0x01.
- Moduler STATIC-IP: start working.
- Moduler DHCPC: start working.
- add net gateway
- Moduler PPPoE: start working.
- Moduler L2TP: start working.
- Moduler PPTP: start working.
- Moduler 8021x: start working.
- Moduler VIRTSVR: start working.
- Moduler IGDV2: start working.
- Moduler DMZ-HOST: start working.
- Moduler STATIC-ROUTER: start working.
- Moduler Statistics: start working.
- Moduler AccessCtrl: start working.
- Moduler Security: start working.
- Moduler ARPBIND: start working.
- Moduler ADDITIONDNS: start working.
- Moduler DNS-PROXY: start working.
- Moduler TP-DOMAIN: start working.
- Moduler DDNS: start working.
- Moduler IPQOS: start working.
- Moduler LOGIN-PASSWORD: start working.
- Moduler USER-REBOOT: start working.
- Moduler RESET: start working.
- Moduler DIAGNOSTIC: start working.
- Moduler BAKNRESTORE: start working.
- Moduler HTTP-FIRMWARE: start working.
- Moduler IGMP: start working.
- Moduler ANTI-SNIFFER: start working.
- Moduler SNTPC: start working.
- Version2.0
- Software Platform for PNE2.2
- Copyright(C) 2001-2011 by TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.
- Creation date: Apr 23 2013, 15:00:19
- #
[ 此帖被html在2015-07-17 19:15重新编辑 ]