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[SandForce]这样算成功吗? [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 我要置顶 楼主  发表于: 2018-12-12

                         IeeeOUI-UniqueID Bits 23-12: 19    (0x0013)      
                                        NAA Bits 0-3: 2     (0x0002)      
  108 - WWN2:                                                            
                                Unique ID Bits 32-35: 1     (0x0001)      
                          IeeeOUI-UniqueID Bits 0-11: 320   (0x0140)      
  109 - Unique ID Bits 16-31:                         8211  (0x2013)      
  110 - Unique ID Bits 0-15:                          5121  (0x1401)      
  111 - WWN Extension:                           0x8252 0000 0000 0000  
  115 - INCITS TR-37-2004:                            0     (0x0000)      
  116 - Logical Sector Size Low:                      0     (0x0000)      
  117 - Logical Sector Size High:                     0     (0x0000)      
  118 - Command/Feature Support #7:                                      
                                           Reserved1: 0                
                                   Write-Read-Verify: YES                
                             Write Uncorrectable Ext: NO                
                          Read and Write Log DMA Ext: YES                
                           Download Microcode Mode 3: YES                
                                   Free Fall Control: NO                
                                           Reserved2: 1                
                                                 Set: YES                
                                               Clear: NO                
  119 - Command/Feature Support #8:                                      
                                           Reserved1: 0                
                           Write-Read-Verify Enabled: NO                
                     Write Uncorrectable Ext Enabled: NO                
                  Read and Write Log DMA Ext Enabled: YES                
                   Download Microcode Mode 3 Enabled: YES                
                           Free Fall Control Enabled: NO                
                                           Reserved2: 0                
                                                 Set: YES                
                                               Clear: NO                
  120 - Reserved Expanded Feature Support #1:         16474 (0x405A)      
  121 - Reserved Expanded Feature Support #2:         16408 (0x4018)      
  122 - Reserved Expanded Feature Support #3:         0     (0x0000)      
  123 - Reserved Expanded Feature Support #4:         0     (0x0000)      
  124 - Reserved Expanded Feature Support #5:         0     (0x0000)      
  125 - Reserved Expanded Feature Support #6:         0     (0x0000)      
  126 - Obsolete #11:                                 0     (0x0000)      
  127 - Security:                                                        
                                           Supported: YES                
                                             Enabled: NO                
                                              Locked: NO                
                                              Frozen: NO                
                                       Count Expired: NO                
                   Enhanced Security Erase Supported: YES                
                                           Reserved1: 0                
                                               Level: NO                
                                           Reserved2: 0                
  128 - Vendor Specific:                                                
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
  159 - CFA Power Mode:                                                  
                                   Max Current in mA: 0 (0x0000)        
                                Power Mode1 Disabled: NO                
                                Power Mode1 Required: NO                
                                            Reserved: 0                
                       Power Mode Word 160 Supported: NO                
  160 - CFA Reserved:                                                    
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000                          
  175 - Currnt Media Serial Number:                                      
           0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00
           0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00
           0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00
           0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00
           0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00
           0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00
           0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00
           0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00                                
  205 - SMART Command Transport:                                        
                                           Supported: YES                
                                  Long Sector Access: NO                
                                          Write Same: YES                
                              Error Recovery Control: NO                
                                    Features Control: NO                
                                         Data Tables: YES                
                                            Reserved: 0                
                                     Vendor Specific: 0                
  206 - CE-ATA Reserved #1:                           0     (0x0000)      
  207 - CE-ATA Reserved #2:                           0     (0x0000)      
  208 - Alignment:                                                      
      Logical Sector Offset in First Physical Sector: 0                
                                                 Set: YES                
                                               Clear: NO                
  209 - Write Verify Sector Count Mode 3:               0 (0x00000000)              
  211 - Write Verify Sector Count Mode 2:             256 (0x00000100)              
  213 - NV Cache Capabilities:                                          
                                  Power Mode Support: NO                
                                  Power Mode Enabled: NO                
                                           Reserved1: 0                
                                 Feature Set Enabled: NO                
                                           Reserved2: 0                
                                  Power Mode Version: 0                
                                 Feature Set Version: 0                
  214 - NV Cache Size Low:                            0     (0x0000)      
  215 - NV Cache Size High:                           0     (0x0000)      
  216 - Nominal Media Rotation Rate:                  0     (0x0000)      
  217 - Reserved #7:                                  0     (0x0000)      
  218 - NV Cache Options:                                                
                                 Spinup Time Seconds: 0                
                                            Reserved: 0                
  219 - Write-Read-Verify:                                              
                                        Current Mode: 0                
                                            Reserved: 0                
  220 - Reserved #8:                                  0     (0x0000)      
  221 - Transport Major Version No:                   0     (0x0000)      
  222 - Transport Minor Version No:                   0     (0x0000)      
  223 - CE-ATA Reserved:                                                
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000                                        
  233 - Min 512 Block Per Microcode Download:         0     (0x0000)      
  234 - Max 512 Block Per Microcode Download:         0     (0x0000)      
  235 - Reserved #9:                                                    
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000        0x0000            
            0x0000        0x0000        0x0000                          
  254 - Integrity Word:                                                  
                                           Signature: 0                
                                            Checksum: 0                
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:26] - Plain text identify log created

    Diagnostics Identify Information For Device: /dev/sg2                                
             Firmware Revision:  
        [60AABBF0        ]<
              0x30   0x46   0x42   0x42   0x41   0x41   0x30   0x36
              0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20
              Hardwre Revision:  
        [ ]
              0xFF   0xFF   0xFF   0xFF   0xBB   0x26   0x00   0x20
              0xFF   0xFF   0xFF   0xFF   0xFF   0xFF   0xFF   0xFF
                  ROM Revision:  
        [400             ]
              0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x30   0x30   0x34
              0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20   0x20
                 Firmware Type:     1  (0x0001)                                      
                     Reserved1: 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000  
                NAND Page Size: 17600  (0x44C0)                                      
              No. Chip Enables:     2  (0x0002)                                      
  No. Sectors In Physical Page:     8  (0x0008)                                      
                     Reserved2:     0  (0x0000)                                      
                  NAND Read ID:                                                    
              0x00   0x00   0x00   0xA9   0x54   0x64   0x84   0x2C
                  Current Time:                                                  
              0x00   0x00   0x00   0x00   0x00   0x00   0x00   0x00
          Current Unlock Level: 1                                                
               Accurev Version:  
        [B:FW_PPRO_5_6_1_20140326_836378:FW_PPRO_6_0_A_Release-1134440                   ]
  0x5F 0x31 0x5F 0x36 0x5F 0x35 0x5F 0x4F 0x52 0x50 0x50 0x5F 0x57 0x46 0x3A 0x42
  0x3A 0x38 0x37 0x33 0x36 0x33 0x38 0x5F 0x36 0x32 0x33 0x30 0x34 0x31 0x30 0x32
  0x65 0x52 0x5F 0x41 0x5F 0x30 0x5F 0x36 0x5F 0x4F 0x52 0x50 0x50 0x5F 0x57 0x46
  0x20 0x20 0x20 0x30 0x34 0x34 0x34 0x33 0x31 0x31 0x2D 0x65 0x73 0x61 0x65 0x6C
  0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
                   Config File:  
        [cfg/cfg_MLC_MIC_128Gb_MT29F128G08CBCAB_1Q_2C_1D_S                               ]
  0x5F 0x43 0x49 0x4D 0x5F 0x43 0x4C 0x4D 0x5F 0x67 0x66 0x63 0x2F 0x67 0x66 0x63
  0x30 0x47 0x38 0x32 0x31 0x46 0x39 0x32 0x54 0x4D 0x5F 0x62 0x47 0x38 0x32 0x31
  0x5F 0x44 0x31 0x5F 0x43 0x32 0x5F 0x51 0x31 0x5F 0x42 0x41 0x43 0x42 0x43 0x38
  0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x53
  0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
      No. Dies Per Chip Enable: 1                                                
            No. Blocks Per Die: 1024                                                
           No. Pages Per Block: 512                                                
                Total Raw Size: 268435456 Sectors (128 GB)                                
                      PE Count: 3000                                                
  0x01 0x00 0x06 0x02 0x07 0x07 0x08 0x08 0x11 0x09 0x1B 0x12 0x1D 0x1D 0x00 0x01
  0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00                                          
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:27] - Plain text diagnostics identify log created

    Diagnostics Information Data For Device: /dev/sg2                                      
            Diagnostics Revision:      65537  (0x10001)                                    
            Current Unlock Level:            1  (0x0001)                                    
                  Customer ID #1:        359  (0x0167)                                    
                  Customer ID #2:      12345  (0x3039)                                    
                Configuration ID: 0x33 31 30 32 36 00 00 00          
               Firmware Revision: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00          
                                    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00          
               Hardware Revision: 0x00 50 BB 26 FF FF FF FF          
                                    FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF          
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:28] - Plain text diagnostics information log created

    Current Fomat Data For Device: /dev/sg2                                                
    Memory Wear Cycle Capability:         3000  (0x00000BB8)                                    
          Current PE Cycle Count:            0  (0x00000000)                                    
                 Life In Seconds:            0  (0x00000000)                                    
                Logical Capacity:    250069680  (0x0EE7C2B0)  (119 GB)                            
                     Sector Size:          512  (0x200)                                    
         Sector Alignment Offset:            0  (0x00)                                    
              Expected Memory ID:        33836  (0x842C)                                    
               Expected No. Dies:            0  (0x00)                                    
           Serial Output Control:            0  (0x00)                                    
                            Time: 0x0000 0000 0000 0000                              
                      Misc. Flag:                                                    
                                  Erase R Block: NO                                  
                         Panic Handling Enabled: NO                                  
                                      Reserved1: 0x00                              
                            Panic On SATA Error: NO                                  
                                      Reserved2: 0x00                              
                     Write Throttling Test Mode: NO                                  
                        Disable User Band RAISE: YES                                  
                                      Reserved3: 0x00                              
                      L PageSize:            0  (0x00)                                    
                      E PageSize:            0  (0x00)                                    
          Error Correction Power:            0  (0x00)                                    
       Device Read Disturb Count:            0  (0x00000000)                                    
   Device Read Disturb Count Low:            0  (0x00000000)                                    
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:29] - Plain text format information log created

    SMART Attributes Data For Device: /dev/sg2                                            
                  SMART Revision:           10  (0x0000000A)                                    
  No.    ID   Flags   Max   Current  Data                                            
  0      1    0x0032  120     120    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
  1      5    0x0033   97      97    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
  2      9    0x0032  100     100    0x 00 00 00 00 EA 74 00  
  3     12    0x0032  100     100    0x 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  
  4    171    0x000A  100     100    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
  5    172    0x0032  100     100    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
  6    174    0x0030    0       0    0x 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  
  7    177    0x0000    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
  8    181    0x000A  100     100    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
  9    182    0x0032  100     100    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
10    187    0x0012  100     100    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
11    194    0x0022   39      38    0x 26 00 27 00 26 00 00  
12    195    0x001C  120     120    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
13    196    0x0033   97      97    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
14    201    0x001C  120     120    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
15    204    0x001C  120     120    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
16    230    0x0013  100     100    0x 64 00 00 00 00 00 00  
17    231    0x0013   97      97    0x 01 00 00 00 02 00 00  
18    233    0x0032    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
19    234    0x0032    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
20    241    0x0032    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
21    242    0x0032    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
22      0    0x0000    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
23      0    0x0000    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
24      0    0x0000    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
25      0    0x0000    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
26      0    0x0000    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
27      0    0x0000    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
28      0    0x0000    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
29      0    0x0000    0       0    0x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  

No. ID   Name                                                              Value Details                                                                                                                          
0   1    Raw Read Error Rate                                               120   Sectors Read: 0, Read Errors: 0                                                                                                  
1   5    Retired Block Count                                               97    0                                                                                                                                
2   9    Power-On Hours (POH)                                              100   0 Hours                                                                                                                          
3   12   Device Power Cycle Count                                          100   1                                                                                                                                
4   171  Program Fail Count                                                100   0                                                                                                                                
5   172  Erase Fail Count                                                  100   0                                                                                                                                
6   174  Unexpected Power Loss Count                                       0     1                                                                                                                                
7   177  Wear Range Delta                                                  0     0                                                                                                                                
8   181  Program Fail Count                                                100   0                                                                                                                                
9   182  Erase Fail Count                                                  100   0                                                                                                                                
10  187  Reported Uncorrectable Errors                                     100   0                                                                                                                                
11  194  Temperature                                                       38    Current: 38, Max: 39, Min: 38                                                                                                    
12  195  On-the-Fly ECC Uncorrectable Error Count                          120   Sectors Read: 0, UECC Count: 0                                                                                                  
13  196  Reallocation Event Count                                          97    0                                                                                                                                
14  201  Uncorrectable Soft Read Error Rate                                120   Sectors Read: 0, Soft UECC Count: 0                                                                                              
15  204  Soft ECC Correction Rate                                          120   Sectors Read: 0, Soft ECC Correction Count: 0                                                                                    
16  230  Life Curve Status                                                 100   Positive Write Life=100, Throthling=90                                                                                          
17  231  SSD Life Left                                                     97    100=Full Life Left, 0=Insufficient Blocks Remaining                                                                              
18  233  N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
19  234  N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
20  241  Lifetime Writes from Host                                         0     Count of 64 GB bytes Written: 0                                                                                                  
21  242  Lifetime Reads from Host                                          0     Count of 64 GB bytes Read: 0                                                                                                    
22  0    N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
23  0    N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
24  0    N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
25  0    N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
26  0    N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
27  0    N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
28  0    N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
29  0    N/A                                                               0     N/A                                                                                                                              
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:29] - Plain text SMART log created

    Manufacturing Defect List For Device: /dev/sg2                                                                        
    Index    Bus      Chip Enable    Die      Plane    Block    Lane   Defects                                          
     0        0        0              0        0        45       15       4        
     1        0        0              0        1        45       15       4        
     2        0        1              0        0        45       15       4        
     3        0        1              0        1        45       15       4        
     4        0        0              0        0        263      15       4        
     5        0        0              0        1        263      15       4        
     6        0        1              0        0        263      15       4        
     7        0        1              0        1        263      15       4        
   Total Number of Manufacturing Defects: 32                                          

[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:30] - Plain text manufacturing defect list log created

    Grown Defect List For Device: /dev/sg2                                                                        
   Total Number of Grown Defects: 0                                          

[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:31] - Plain text grown defect list log created

    Panic Directory Listing For Device: /dev/sg2                                                              
                         Number of Entries: 0                                                          
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:32] - Plain text panic directory listing log created
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:32] - Completed collecting all plain text log files.
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:32] - End of logs and information collection
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:33] - Applying the remaining ConfigUniqueDrive settings...
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Customer ID with value : 12345
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Diagnostic Unlock Key with value supplied
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Max LBA Count for 4096 Plus DIFF Sectors with value : 0
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Max LBA Count for 4096 Sectors with value : 0
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Max LBA Count for 512B Plus DIFF Sectors with value : 0
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Max LBA Count for 512B Sectors with value : 0
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Max LBA Count for 520B Sectors with value : 0
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Max LBA Count for 524B Sectors with value : 0
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Max LBA Count for 528B Sectors with value : 0
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Setting Power Management Version with value : 1
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:34] - Total of 1 valid MaxLBA settings were setup to be written to the drive.
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:36] - Successfully applied the remaining ConfigUniqueDrive settings...
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:36] - Issuing an IdleImmediate command to the drive...
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:37] - Not an Enterprise drive,so, continuing without setting master password..
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:37] - End of Genesis manufacturing log.
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:37] - Exiting...

        <Start_Time> Wed, 12/12/2018 @ 15:28:51 </Start_Time>
        <End_Time> Wed, 12/12/2018 @ 15:30:37 </End_Time>
        <Overall_Result> PASS </Overall_Result>
        <Exit_Code> (0x00000000:SF_SCT (0000h): Command complete without error) </Exit_Code>
                  argv[1]: -PROCESS_SSD
                  argv[2]: 10:0:0:0
                  argv[3]: /root/Desktop/sf2281/MFP/FW_PPRO_6_0_A_Release.1134440.release--12345/FW_PPRO_6_0_A_Release.1134440.release.12345.mfp
                  argv[4]: /root/Desktop/sf2281/MFP/FW_PPRO_6_0_A_Release.1134440.release--12345/Configuration_Files/31026.12345.st.edriveconfig
                  argv[5]: 131418252
                  argv[6]: 201314018252
                  argv[7]: LOG=/root/Desktop/sf2281/MFP/131418252_localhost.localdomain_DATETIMESTAMP_10.0.0.0_PROCESS_SSD_RESULT.log
                  argv[8]: 19:0:0:0
        <Log_File> /root/Desktop/sf2281/MFP/131418252_localhost.localdomain_DATETIMESTAMP_10.0.0.0_PROCESS_SSD_RESULT.log </Log_File>
        <Hostname> localhost.localdomain </Hostname>
        <Host_IP_Address> </Host_IP_Address>
        <Port_Number> 2 </Port_Number>
        <Device_Name> /dev/sg2 </Device_Name>
        <SF_Genesis_Version> v1.7.0.01020130612-fc14-32bit </SF_Genesis_Version>
        <SF_Core_Library_Version> v1.7.1.20130612-fc14-32bit </SF_Core_Library_Version>
        <SF_OS_Information> Linux 2.6.32-573.el6.i686 #1 SMP Thu Jul 23 12:37:35 UTC 2015 i686 </SF_OS_Information>
        <WWN_OUI> 013140 </WWN_OUI>
        <WWN_UniqueID> 182520000 </WWN_UniqueID>
        <Serial_Number> 131418252            </Serial_Number>
        <Model_Number> SandForce[1134440]                       </Model_Number>
        <Firmware_Revision> RG21     </Firmware_Revision>
        <ROM_Revision> 400              </ROM_Revision>
        <NAND_Page_Size> 17600 </NAND_Page_Size>
        <Number_Of_Chip_Enable> 2 </Number_Of_Chip_Enable>
        <Logical_Sectors> 8 </Logical_Sectors>
        <NAND_ID> 0x000000A95464842C </NAND_ID>
        <Flash_Manufacturer> UNKNOWN </Flash_Manufacturer>
        <Flash_Device> UNKNOWN </Flash_Device>
[Wed 12/12/2018 15:30:37] - Overall Result for Device: /dev/sg2 ****** PASS ******


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