cpu: jz4732\jz4740
nand flash: HY27UUQ8AG5M
sdram: DS1232AATA75E
另外板子上有两组ttl串口,一组是RXD TXD 一组是RXD1 TXD1 用2303hx的usb转ttl设备接上后任何数据都没接到,啥都没有....
君正usb boot的cfg文件我贴出来
这个nand flash型号很奇怪,谷歌都找不到....
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; USB Boot Tool Configuration File. The tool will read the USBBoot.cfg
- ; to get the hardware configuration of your target board.
- ;
- ; This is an sample configuration file for the Jz4740 PAVO board.
- ; If you are using a different board, please rename USBBoot_BOARD.cfg to USBBoot.cfg.
- ; If you modify the hardware of your board, modify the values in this file accordingly.
- ;
- ; First of all, you should install the driver when you boots the device from USB
- ; for the first time.
- ;
- ; The line starting with ';' or contents followed by ';' of a line are comments only.
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [PLL]
- EXTCLK 12 ;Define the external crystal in MHz
- CPUSPEED 336 ;Define the PLL output frequency
- PHMDIV 3 ;Define the frequency divider ratio of PLL=CCLK:PCLK=HCLK=MCLK
- BOUDRATE 57600 ;Define the uart boudrate
- USEUART 0 ;Use which uart, 0/1 for jz4740,0/1/2/3 for jz4750
- BUSWIDTH 32 ;The bus width of the SDRAM in bits (16|32)
- BANKS 4 ;The bank number (2|4)
- ROWADDR 12 ;Row address width in bits (11-13)
- COLADDR 8 ;Column address width in bits (8-12)
- ISMOBILE 0 ;Define whether SDRAM is mobile SDRAM, this only valid for Jz4750 ,1:yes 0:no
- ISBUSSHARE 1 ;Define whether SDRAM bus share with NAND 1:shared 0:unshared
- [NAND]
- BUSWIDTH 8 ;The width of the NAND flash chip in bits (8|16|32)
- ROWCYCLES 3 ;The row address cycles (2|3)
- PAGESIZE 2048 ;The page size of the NAND chip in bytes(512|2048|4096)
- PAGEPERBLOCK 128 ;The page number per block
- FORCEERASE 1 ;The force to erase flag (0|1)
- OOBSIZE 64 ;oob size in byte
- ECCPOS 28 ;Specify the ECC offset inside the oob data (0-[oobsize-1])
- BADBLACKPOS 0 ;Specify the badblock flag offset inside the oob (0-[oobsize-1])
- BADBLACKPAGE 127 ;Specify the page number of badblock flag inside a block(0-[PAGEPERBLOCK-1])
- PLANENUM 1 ;The planes number of target nand flash
- BCHBIT 4 ;Specify the hardware BCH algorithm for 4750 (4|8)
- WPPIN 0 ;Specify the write protect pin number
- BLOCKPERCHIP 0 ;Specify the block number per chip,0 means ignore
- [END]
- ;The program will calculate the total SDRAM size by : size = 2^(ROWADDR + COLADDR) * BANKNUM * (SDRAMWIDTH / 4)
- ;The CPUSPEED has restriction as: ( CPUSPEED % EXTCLK == 0 ) && ( CPUSPEED % 12 == 0 )
- ;For jz4750, the program just init BANK0(DSC0).
- ;Beware all variables must be set correct!