SandForce Genesis Utility v1.5.21.20110919-fc14-32bit
SF_Core Library: v1.7.0.20110919-fc14-32bit
Copyright 2010-2011, SandForce Inc., All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
[Wed 03/08/2017 20:54:22] - SF_Genesis has been invoked with the following parameters:
argv[1]: -PROCESS_SSD
argv[2]: 1:0:0:0
argv[3]: /root/ssd/mpt/FW_SF-2000_MP_5-0-7_Client--12345600/FW_SF-2000_MP_5-0-7_Client.12345600.mfp
argv[4]: /root/ssd/mpt/FW_SF-2000_MP_5-0-7_Client--12345600/Configuration_Files/22282.12345600.driveconfig
argv[5]: 123
argv[6]: 456
argv[7]: LOG=/root/ssd/Genesis/Logs/123_localhost.localdomain_DATETIMESTAMP_1.0.0.0_PROCESS_SSD_RESULT.log
[Wed 03/08/2017 20:54:22] - Instructing the operating system to purge any existing cached data for device: '1:0:0:0'
[Wed 03/08/2017 20:54:27] - Issuing a discovery command for device: '1:0:0:0'
[Wed 03/08/2017 20:54:33] - Discovery command completed...
[Wed 03/08/2017 20:54:33] - Waiting 5 seconds for the system to settle...
[Wed 03/08/2017 20:54:38] - Device designation string '1:0:0:0' is mapped to node '/dev/sg1'
[Wed 03/08/2017 20:54:38] - Proceeding to process SSD device with the following parameters:
DeviceName = /dev/sg1
MFP Package Filename = /root/ssd/mpt/FW_SF-2000_MP_5-0-7_Client--12345600/FW_SF-2000_MP_5-0-7_Client.12345600.mfp
Configuration File = /root/ssd/mpt/FW_SF-2000_MP_5-0-7_Client--12345600/Configuration_Files/22282.12345600.driveconfig
Serial No. = 123
World Wide Name = 456
[Wed 03/08/2017 20:54:38] - Successfully received the IDENTIFY data from the drive...