目录 ##直接点击即可##
1楼电源、电池 2楼内存条、硬盘 (说明书上有)
3楼合页盖、键盘 (说明书上有键盘的拆解)
4楼蓝牙模块、调制解调器和纽扣电池 (说明书上有)
5楼光驱、WLAN和快速擦写模块 (说明书上有)
6楼SIM个人身份识别卡、掌托 7楼散热器和处理器、风扇 8楼LCD装配、面板 9楼摄像头、天线电缆 10楼主板、USB模块、调制解调器连接器 11楼前语音面板、扬声器、电池卡 先上图片
1. Battery bay latch releases — Releases the battery.
2. Hard drive — Stores software and data.
3. Battery — When a battery is installed, you can use the computer without connecting it to an electrical outlet.
4. Battery charge gauge/health gague — Provides information on the battery charge.
5. Processor and heat sink cover — Covers the processor and heat sink.
6. Memory module/coin-cell battery/Bluetooth® compartment — Contains the memory modules, Bluetooth® module, and the coin-cell battery.
[ 此帖被837468220在2010-05-15 23:07重新编辑 ]