首先这只是个简单普通的投票2.0 Drive Specifications
Unless otherwise noted, all specifications are measured under ambient conditions, at 25°C, and nominal power. For convenience, the phrases the
drive and this drive are used throughout this manual to indicate the following drive models:
The specification summaries listed in the following tables are for quick reference. For details on specification measurement or definition, refer to the
appropriate section of this manual.
Table 1 Drive Specifications Summary
Drive Specification ST2000LM015 ST1000LM048 ST500LM030
Formatted capacity (1) 2TB 1TB 500GB
Guaranteed sectors 3,907,029,168 1,953,525,168 976,773,168
Heads 4 2
Disks 2 1
Bytes per sector 512 (logical) / 4096 (physical)
Recording density 2276 Kb/in
Track density 580 Ktracks/in avg答案已出 感谢指教
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